Free Employability Courses

An introduction to starting your own business – 12th March 2025

12/03/2025 9:30 am

12:30 pm

Registration @ 9.15am

An introductory workshop if you are thinking of starting your own business

  1. Advantages and disadvantages of starting your own business
  2. Different types of business set ups
  3. Developing your business idea
  4. Identifying your first steps

Booking is essential

Group Interview Skills – 17th March 2025

17/03/2025 9:30 am

12:30 am

Registration @ 9.15am

A free employability workshop

Experience an example of what to expect during a group interview, in a fun and supportive environment.

  1. Take part in a group interview excericise
  2. Receive constructive feedback from an industry expert

Booking is essential

Interview presentation skills – 31st March 2025

31/03/2025 9:30 am

12:30 am

Registration @ 9.15am

How to prepare and make a presentation at interview with the opportunity to do a practice presentation yourself.

  1. How to prepare to present yourself at an interview
  2. Using visual aids and electronic devices
  3. How to engage effectively with the interviewers
  4. Selling your personal strengths
  5. An opportunity to practice your presentations skills

Booking is Essential

Interview Skills – 3rd April 2025

03/04/2025 9:30 am

12:30 pm

How to conduct yourself at an interview in the most effective way – includes a practice interview with an industry expert.

  1. What to expect at an interview
  2. Common interview questions
  3. A practice interview with an industry expert
  4. Constructive feedback on how to improve

Booking is essential

Registration @ 9.15am

How to create an effective CV and application form 28th April 2025

28/04/2025 9:30 am

12:30 pm

How to present your skills effectively to employers on CVs and application forms.

  1. Identify your strengths
  2. Give informative examples of your skills
  3. Produce an outstanding CV

Booking is essential

Registration @ 9.15am

An introduction to using Social Media for Job Opportunities – 28th April

28/04/2025 1:15 pm

4:00 pm

An introductory workshop for Jobseekers who are new to LinkedIn and other social media platforms.

Learn how to search for jobs using different media sources.

Registration @ 1pm

Confidence Building workshop -30th April 2025

30/04/2025 9:30 am

12:30 pm

Registration @ 9.15am

Practical techniques to identify your strengths and boost your self confidence in preparation for work.

  1. Feel and behave confidently
  2. Set realist goals
  3. Challenge negative thoughts

Booking is essential

Personality Profiling for job search – 7th May 2025

07/05/2025 9:30 am

12:30 pm

Personality profiling is commonly used to match the ideal personality for those best suited to a job role.

  1. Explain what personality profiling is
  2. How and why it’s used to recruit
  3. The different types of testing
  4. The opportunity to take an online test
  5. How to benefit from your results and consider an alternative career.

Booking is essential

Registration @ 9.15am

Prepare for a Successful Interview – 12th May 2025

12/05/2025 9:30 am

12:30 pm

How to prepare yourself for an interview in the most effective way – including:

  1. Alternative interview formats ie ZOOM, telephone and face to face
  2. Employer research
  3. Your appearance
  4. Control your nerves
  5. Right mental attitude

Booking is essential

Registration @ 9.15am

Group Interview Skills – 14th May 2025

14/05/2025 9:30 am

12:30 am

A free employability workshop

Experience an example of what to expect during a group interview, in a fun and supportive environment.

  1. Take part in a group interview excericise
  2. Receive constructive feedback from an industry expert

Booking is essential

Registration @ 9.15am

Interview presentation skills – 19th May 2025

19/05/2025 9:30 am

12:30 am

Registration @ 9.15am

How to prepare and make a presentation at interview with the opportunity to do a practice presentation yourself.

  1. How to prepare to present yourself at an interview
  2. Using visual aids and electronic devices
  3. How to engage effectively with the interviewers
  4. Selling your personal strengths
  5. An opportunity to practice your presentations skills

Booking is Essential

Interview Skills – 21st May 2025

21/05/2025 9:30 am

12:30 pm

How to conduct yourself at an interview in the most effective way – includes a practice interview with an industry expert.

  1. What to expect at an interview
  2. Common interview questions
  3. A practice interview with an industry expert
  4. Constructive feedback on how to improve

Booking is essential

Registration @ 9.15am